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What is a termite bond?

What is a termite bond (or termite protection contract)?

A termite bond also called a termite protection contract, is basically just an agreement between you and the company that gets rid of your termites that addresses what happens if the termites come back in the future. These are pretty common agreements, but the law on them varies from state to state.

It's a good idea to get one of these agreements if your pest control company offers them.

The reason they exist, and the reason you want them, is that many pesticides geared for termites have really wide ranges for how long they'll work, and it depends a lot on the local conditions around your house, the soil, the weather, etc.

Something that works for three years on one house may only work for three months on another.

It's really hard to predict how long your house will be safe after treatment.

A termite bond protects you if the termites come back. Think of it as insurance, because that's basically what it is. In fact, some termite bonds don't just provide that the company will re-treat your house if they come back - some places will also pay for repairs of any damage they do. Others will provide for free annual inspections or other services.

The cost of a termite bond will vary depending on your house and your area, and also what services they provide you. Some places offer them for as low as $100 a year, but they can go up to $1000 a year. A lot of times they are long contracts - five years or so. In those cases, one thing you want to check is whether they're transferable to a new homeowner if you decide to sell your house.

It's hard to give you advice on these because every company can make up a different contract. However, unless they are extremely expensive, they are a good idea for anyone who has had termites before. One final thing, though - make sure you like the company you get the bond with. The upside is it's much cheaper to get the house treated in the future. The downside is that you are stuck with the company you have a contract with, so if you have a problem with them, it's harder to go get treatment from another place. 

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