Diatomaceous Earth Kill Termites in Woodchips
Wood chips they're worried about getting a little. You know wood chips delivered to their home and having an infestation of termites. All of a sudden occur or they build up some Hulu culture mounds and next thing you know they got termites crawling up their walls here's what I'm going to say about it. I've gotten literally 30 or more 20 yard loads of woodchips delivered for multiple tree service companies and I've never seen a single termite is that luck of the draw perhaps if you were to get some wood chips from a company and if they were to actually cut down a tree that had been killed by termites and then deliver those wood chips to you that's highly questionable to me.
It's hard to believe that that would be the case but I'm sure it could happen and what I want to do right now is aim to try to put your mind at ease this is what I would do. I would use something called diatomaceous earth now you can get this online you can get at your local feed store. I use it as a supplement, I actually eat it. It's what it is fossilized remains of a single-celled plant or algae and it's very plentiful. It has all sorts of applications but one of them is when you put it in your garden or you sprinkle it around your plants it works as a pest control because what it actually does is; it slices up the outside layer of an insect and dehydrates it and they die rather quickly. It can work with all sorts of different insects whether it be Ants, Termites, Cockroaches.
Diatomaceous Earth is organic. It's natural and it's definitely the way to go. If I were concerned or if I wanted to be preventive as far as making sure termites didn't come into my landscape, I would just quit like a 40-pound bag of diatomaceous earth spread it throughout the woodchips. When they arrived and if that puts your mind at ease I'd say that's worth the twenty-five dollar investment to do that right.
I'm a big concern that folks aren't moving forward with some of the easier ways to garden here like you know putting down woodchips in your pouch wise and mulching around your plants to conserve water and to also build your organic matter in your soil because they're scared of these type of things and on a side note there's a gentleman by the name of Paul Stamets many of you have probably heard of him but he's a fungi expert and he's done TED talks he has website he's written books and he actually has a patent on a mycelium slash mushroom spore that will actually kill termites and fire ants and probably other insects too but the reason why that product hasn't come to market yet is because he's I guess he's in battle with the powers that be you know there's a financial incentive there to keep things the way they are.
It's a sad thing you know it's man and nature working together we've got the answers out there so there's really nothing to be afraid of I'd say go forward just do it put wood chips around your plants it's an amazing resource if you can get it free there's really nothing better if all you need to do is pay a small price I'd say go for it so hopefully that answers the question no I've never had termites show up over here I'm not concerned about it you just heard about the way I deal with it and I'd recommend the same for yourself but again to each his own I mean you need to weigh the possibilities and make the best decision for yourself but you know what when I look at a whole culture mound like this and I look at what woodchips have done for mylandscape of my plants there's no way that I would change a thing and I'm pleased for the decisions that I've made and so I just want to encourage folks to be a problem-solver and not be afraid you know there's pretty much an answer for just about every problem out there.
I like to lean towards nature and look at the natural remedies for everything and try to work along that line and it's done well by me so so that's it, for now, everybody I appreciate you guys tuning in and for hearing me rant on the subject and hopefully I answered the question like I said there have been quite a few people asking me the same question about the termites so alright everybody Suns going down it's a beautiful evening got the tank top on and I'm doing a little watering and a lot of people have been asking me about watering and a California drought too so I'll be addressing that very soon as well anyway everybody hope this video finds you and finds you well I'll be coming at you again real soon with some more content so stay tuned Cheers.
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