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Bed Bug Exterminator Toronto

Thanks, Frankie vacation season is in full swing but there's one on welcome visitor that could put a damper on things whether you were at home or traveling joining us now is Dale Kurt with orc and Canada to talk about the dreaded bedbugs Dale thank you so much for joining us this morning okay so del it's so funny that they put out a list and I'm gonna read this list and I know we have a board for it Toronto is at the top of cities with bedbug populations in this country yeah is that the very very top Scarborough by the way in number nine that's where I grew up so we got to ask how in this day and age and in a city this modern are we still dealing probably their problem like this it's just increased travel all the time Adam now that's how bedbugs get brought around to different cities people staying in hotels in different cities different countries moving around whether it's for business or pleasure and it gets dropped off that bugs are extremely hard to get rid of it's one of the hardest pests to to eliminate and it just takes a lot of hard work and effort so it's they're very persistent we don't have the same products that we had years ago to get rid of them more environmentally products are great for the environment but you know it's better for bedbugs because it's harder to get rid of them as well right so one of the things that you were talking what we were talking off-camera about and I think this is a really important point when you have bedbugs oftentimes people are embarrassed by the fact that they have them so they won't say anything try to get rid of them themselves and you're saying very very very difficult to do exactly I'd people shouldn't be embarrassed it's not because of a sanitation issue it's just bad luck that they end up getting them in their home or wherever workplace things like that so best thing is to deal with it report it to your landlord let's deal with it let's check adjacent areas and because it's a tick see a unified effort to get all the adjacent areas done as well to do it properly do you find that once they're on one floor of a building they can spread up or down like I'm thinking condos and that sort of thing there so we're surrounded by them exactly it can in every building is different as to how the construction is but it's very possible or just within a building if people have a bad problem in their unit as they're coming going and it Kahn Walker strollers wheelchairs things like that they can drop bedbugs everywhere they go now having thankfully never had them what are the tell-tale signs that you have bedbugs sometimes you noticed bytes not all the time like on your on your ski on your skin yeah exactly not everyone will react to bedbug bikes though very rarely do you actually react so a lot of people can be bitten for a long period of time you can stay in a hotel room and be bitten you need to have no clue that you've been bitten so that's why sometimes it can be allowed to establish itself for months at a time before it actually ever gets reported so there but eventually someone will react to the bites people that are all really sensitive to like bee stings things like that and he'll get the bites and welts in varying stages the other thing you can look for is once they get established we'll actually see the live bugs but you have to really look for them because they don't like to come out in the open they're nocturnal they don't like the light so they're gonna be staying into the darks cracks and crevices you'll also see bloodstains when they take a blood meal it's what they feed on from us and then when they excrete they excrete blood so it'll be a dark reddish dark black color and it'll be on pillowcases bedsheets linens mattresses things like that so you may not see the bite or the bug but if you see that if you see little blood blood stains may now give you guys a shout it'll work in and kind of have you come in and do you do like a consultation say yeah you have it or no you know we definitely want to do an inspection you want to be sure because a lot of people nowadays they get a little itchiness on their hand and right away they think they had a bed bug bite like everything nowadays is a bedbug bite no matter what it is so very important to to confirm that because it's a very extensive treatment you don't want to go through the treatment if it's not bedbugs that's a really critical confirm that it is bedbugs it really said it's hard to find them sometimes if it's a low infestation even a trained technician might not be able to see a live bedbug in a home so there's other alternatives we have canine divisions will actually bring dogs through that can actually smell a single bedbug that's down inside a radio or cracked it that's really amazing it's much more effective than a visual inspection dogs are amazing I think thank you so much for your time appreciate all of this if you want more information on this of course go to breakfast television da Dale Kurt from work in Canada.

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