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TOP 3 Warning Signs You Have Termites

Hey, Mike with real pest control here and are you concerned that you might have termites in your home or maybe do you think that you could have them? Well today's post I'm going to go through the top three warning signs you're gonna see if you have termites in your home.

One thing to really understand is that termites can be very difficult to spot if you have issues in your home and it's very important to get a pest control service involved if you run into termites and to have your home regularly inspected for termites as well because again a lot of these warning signs you might see but at the same time if you see them it might be too late, there might be a lot of damage already done.

Termites do actually billions of dollars of damage every single year across the U.S. So, again, once they get in, you really want to get them out quick, and what happens as well is one of the biggest problems with termite issues are that for the most part where they do damage is more often than not hidden throughout your home. So you might not see the warning signs right away and again like I said if you do it might be too late because they could be doing damage as well, but the sooner you get them out the better because as I've said they do thousands of dollars of damage routinely, so getting rid of them early is key.

1. Discarded Wings

So the first thing that you really want to look for 1 top warning sign is discarded wings. you actually might not know it, but termites do have wings. They just get rid of them right away so what happens is they'll go from one colony or one nest or one area and then they're gonna fly to another, usually, it's not too far away but what happens is once they land and they decide they're gonna build a new colony, actually, get rid of their wings, so they discard them they leave them behind and because they're never going to need them again right they're just gonna focus on building that new colony that new location a new home and so they get rid of their wings and it's interesting they actually do it in a single-file basis as termites go from one place to another, so you're gonna probably see a big stack of wings a big pile of wings that they're discarding as they're burrowing in and creating that new home so that's one warning sign you want to be on the lookout for is discarded wings from termites.

2. Mud Tubes

Now another key factor you want to look out for and a key warning sign is going to be mud tubes and so an interesting thing that you might not know about termites is they have very thin skin and what happens is they can dehydrate and dry out very easily they really need to live in a super humid an environment so again a lot of times this is why you're gonna see termite issues more so in the southern states across the U.S. rather than northern States but you can still obviously get them in different areas as well but what happens are they need to live in a very humid an environment so for the most part people really experience termite issues in their foundations in their basements or in their cellars, that's usually where these termite issues start and then they can move throughout your home from there because they need to be in that human environment and if they aren't they can die very quickly so what they'll do is they'll create these mud tubes and they're basically tunnels that they can walk through that kind of maintain that human environment for them and keep them safe so if you see these mud tubes again along your foundation you know they're gonna be about pencil-sized and there's little brown tubes going around your house and so what happens this doesn't necessarily mean that they're they're active right now but there's a simple way that you can check and see if there are termites active in these mud tubes you just want to break off the middle of the tube and so either termite are gonna start coming out of that tube or you can check back in a day or so and see if that tube has been rebuilt because again if it has the only way that's gonna happen is if termites are active and they rebuilt that that tunnel that mud tube there as well so it's gonna help transport them from their nest to different food locations and back through their homes so again if you're seeing these that's a sure the warning sign that you might have termites in your home so again if you're seeing these you suspect any activity for sure reach out to a pest control service is like I said they can do lots of damage.

3. Wood Damage

The third warning sign is almost the hardest to spot but it's one of the most common ones and that's gonna be wood damage itself now termites feed on this wood they burrow through it to look for food sources and what happens is it can actually, weaken the structures of a home so they can do a little hole in it they throw little tunnels throughout it you can look almost like mazes throughout the wood the big problem though is that for the most part, it's hidden behind your walls so you might not really know it's there and so a couple of warning signs that you can see that there might be possible wood damage from termites you might see little teeny holes in drywall that they've gone through again they usually burrow from the inside of the wood out.

So sometimes it's hard to even see that there's a problem and again if it's behind your wall even more so but you can actually knock on the woods and see if it's Hollow that's one warning sign that you might have termite damage if you see little maze-like patterns in your wood floors or on wood furniture on your walls that's another sure sign that you could have termites in your home as well.

You might see saggy floorboards or really off-center they're extremely squeaky floorboards that could be another sign that there is termite damage that those boards might be Hollow and be having termite activity inside of it as well. So again though if you try and discover this on your own a lot of times it's very difficult, you might have to take off chunks your wall to try and find it.

I'm a trained inspector for termites can have options where they can start to detect termites without necessarily having to tear down your wall different things like that, so again if you are suspecting any sort of issue we've really recommend reaching out to a pest control service and having your home inspected for termites this really plays a big role as well if you're trying to sell your home or if you're getting a new home if you're selling your home it's very important to again have this done have this home looked over for termites before you try and sell because again it could lead to costly repairs thousands of dollars of repairs and this could lead to you lowering the value of your home, or if you're in mid selling process and you wait till the end of this happen it could blow the deal it could cost you thousands of dollars in repairs.

Before it goes back on the market costing you a lot of time and had and hassles have your home routinely checked for termites on a yearly basis to make sure that you don't have any issues going on with termites and if you see any of these warning signs for sure immediately reach out to a pest control service and again you're buying a home make sure that you have this done as well before you buy because again there's a lot of hidden issues that you might not see there's, because you don't see those termites or see these warning signs don't mean they're actually there because again they do like to go in very hidden places underneath the walls, things that you don't normally see, so they might be missed so again for sure have your home inspected for termites if you suspect any issues and do that on a regular basis as well to prevent any issues and potentially thousands of dollars of damage around your home but again if you're concerned about termites, be sure to look out for these top three warning signs of those Discarded Wings, those Mud Tubes, and then potential Wood Damage as well.

To find out if you possibly have issues and again have that checked out right away so hopefully you guys got some benefit and value out of this video if you did feel free to comment and share and if you do have pest issues or possible termite issues be sure to head on over to row of pest control.com and get a hold of us to have that inspection set up and if you do also happen to be a first time customer with us you can go to rove pest control.com forward slash 50 off and get $50 off your first service with us so again if you have specific pests need you want to set up a prevention program or get in this case maybe we want to have your home inspected for termites reach out to us over at rogue pest control.com and then once again if you happen to be a first-time customer into a row of pest control.com forward slash 50 off to get that great discount but thanks so much for tuning in we'll talk to you more soon.

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