Termites Frass: Drywood Termites Droppings
All righty thank you for joining me
again and if this is your first time I
would like to welcome you to frequently
asked questions concerning pest control
I am your host Erik the bug guy Palmer
and I work with Southwest exterminators
where we personalize your pest control. Today we're gonna follow up on a series
of videos, we're doing to help educate
the general populace about termites and
specifically today we want to address
Dry Wood Termite
Frass is the proper name for termite difficult or their poo and what's common to find or when I commonly get a call is when people notice that they're having this little frass piles and they call me saying "hey I think I've got termites can you come to take a look?
Now frass looks like little tiny wooden foot balls or even kind of a little sandy material very granular sand, and what it is is their poo it is their frass and they'll dig these little kick holes which they kick their poo out of it, kick the Frass out of these little kick holes. Now what's important to note and what a good inspector will look for and what you as a homeowner should know is you can tell a lot about what's going on with that infestation just by looking at the frass pile.
Now the first thing you can notice is whether it's looking like a pyramid or whether it's scattered out broadly now why is that important or what I wanted does that tell you well if you imagine having a cup of sand or a cup a handful of sand and you have it in your fist and you have your other hand and you very closely start wringing it out what's gonna happen when the sand hits your palm it's gonna make a little pyramid because it's short there's not a whole lot of area but it's traveling.
Now if I do the exact same thing and I hold my hand way above my head and I have this way below I'm stretching as far as I can go and I start releasing little trickles of that sand from my fist what's gonna happen by the time it reaches my other my lower hand that's right you're gonna have a much wider spread out area so just by looking at the frass pile you can start to get an idea of how close or far that kick hole is. A good inspector will make sure to look for that another thing you can tell is what type of wood that they're investing at the time depending on the color of the frass that you find.
Now what do I mean by that if you look at a normal 2x4 that's used for structural building it has that nice wooden light brown color like a watered-down coffee or a watered-down toffee color and so if you see the frass that looks uniformly like that color they're eating pretty dry wood or wood that hasn't had a lot of moisture damage or water damage to it but if you see really dark brown or even black is kind of frass that usually means they're investing and eating dark color wood.
Now dark color wood is usually associated with moisture leaks, the moisture leaks on that wood and it becomes that discolored dark brown and black color and so if you see a lot of that Frass and you're going into the wall to front find termites and you see black wood where you've had moisture damage you can hone in on that inspection a whole lot quicker. I'm hone in on where the termites are also you can use that as an inspection tool for your own home unfortunately, it's not the best way you want to do it that you can tell if there is moisture damage or some kind of discoloration out of sight out of mind in that wood that's behind the sheetrock that you don't notice and then likewise if you notice a little bit of brown and a little bit of black and a little bit of dark and a little bit of light that means that there's probably there at the tail end of where that moisture damage is.
So if you open up that wall and you see good wood and discolored would more than likely if you're seeing both brown and black that they're gonna be right in that middle area because they're eating both really nice wood and wood this suffer from moisture damage.
Now these are very important things to know like I said as a termite inspector but it's also important for you the consumer the homeowner the one who's cut in the check it's important for you to have this information as well to know that you're hiring the proper company who's going to do a proper job and protect your home. This that's one of the reasons I started trading these videos I want to help educate southern Utah and frankly the world so you are more educated consumers, so you can make educated discuss educated decisions because frankly let's face it you will always make the decision that suits you best and the way to make best decisions is to be a well informed well educated consumer so that's the reason why we're doing these videos so once again my name is Eric the bug guy Palmer I'm with Southwest exterminators where we personalize your pest control and you are watching frequently asked questions concerning pest control, if you could like comment and subscribe to this page and share to all your friends we can help educate everybody and make them an extremely intelligent consumers of pest control needs and if you have a specific question about pest control or about insects that you would like answered if something's keeping me up at night something's nagging at you by all means please send that question to me I'd be happy to do a video specifically for you you can reach us at the office at Southwest exterminators dot-com once again office at Southwest exterminators comm again this is Eric with self was exterminators where we personalize your pest control have a great day.
Frass is the proper name for termite difficult or their poo and what's common to find or when I commonly get a call is when people notice that they're having this little frass piles and they call me saying "hey I think I've got termites can you come to take a look?
Now frass looks like little tiny wooden foot balls or even kind of a little sandy material very granular sand, and what it is is their poo it is their frass and they'll dig these little kick holes which they kick their poo out of it, kick the Frass out of these little kick holes. Now what's important to note and what a good inspector will look for and what you as a homeowner should know is you can tell a lot about what's going on with that infestation just by looking at the frass pile.
Now the first thing you can notice is whether it's looking like a pyramid or whether it's scattered out broadly now why is that important or what I wanted does that tell you well if you imagine having a cup of sand or a cup a handful of sand and you have it in your fist and you have your other hand and you very closely start wringing it out what's gonna happen when the sand hits your palm it's gonna make a little pyramid because it's short there's not a whole lot of area but it's traveling.
Now if I do the exact same thing and I hold my hand way above my head and I have this way below I'm stretching as far as I can go and I start releasing little trickles of that sand from my fist what's gonna happen by the time it reaches my other my lower hand that's right you're gonna have a much wider spread out area so just by looking at the frass pile you can start to get an idea of how close or far that kick hole is. A good inspector will make sure to look for that another thing you can tell is what type of wood that they're investing at the time depending on the color of the frass that you find.
Now what do I mean by that if you look at a normal 2x4 that's used for structural building it has that nice wooden light brown color like a watered-down coffee or a watered-down toffee color and so if you see the frass that looks uniformly like that color they're eating pretty dry wood or wood that hasn't had a lot of moisture damage or water damage to it but if you see really dark brown or even black is kind of frass that usually means they're investing and eating dark color wood.
Now dark color wood is usually associated with moisture leaks, the moisture leaks on that wood and it becomes that discolored dark brown and black color and so if you see a lot of that Frass and you're going into the wall to front find termites and you see black wood where you've had moisture damage you can hone in on that inspection a whole lot quicker. I'm hone in on where the termites are also you can use that as an inspection tool for your own home unfortunately, it's not the best way you want to do it that you can tell if there is moisture damage or some kind of discoloration out of sight out of mind in that wood that's behind the sheetrock that you don't notice and then likewise if you notice a little bit of brown and a little bit of black and a little bit of dark and a little bit of light that means that there's probably there at the tail end of where that moisture damage is.
So if you open up that wall and you see good wood and discolored would more than likely if you're seeing both brown and black that they're gonna be right in that middle area because they're eating both really nice wood and wood this suffer from moisture damage.
Now these are very important things to know like I said as a termite inspector but it's also important for you the consumer the homeowner the one who's cut in the check it's important for you to have this information as well to know that you're hiring the proper company who's going to do a proper job and protect your home. This that's one of the reasons I started trading these videos I want to help educate southern Utah and frankly the world so you are more educated consumers, so you can make educated discuss educated decisions because frankly let's face it you will always make the decision that suits you best and the way to make best decisions is to be a well informed well educated consumer so that's the reason why we're doing these videos so once again my name is Eric the bug guy Palmer I'm with Southwest exterminators where we personalize your pest control and you are watching frequently asked questions concerning pest control, if you could like comment and subscribe to this page and share to all your friends we can help educate everybody and make them an extremely intelligent consumers of pest control needs and if you have a specific question about pest control or about insects that you would like answered if something's keeping me up at night something's nagging at you by all means please send that question to me I'd be happy to do a video specifically for you you can reach us at the office at Southwest exterminators dot-com once again office at Southwest exterminators comm again this is Eric with self was exterminators where we personalize your pest control have a great day.
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